Religion, Science and Spirituality in search of God

4 min readSep 2, 2021


What is God?

God is a state of mind. That is why the great prophets and religious scriptures say that God is everywhere (omnipresent). God is the spirit that exists in everyone. There are rich, poor, kings, subjects, religions, atheists, sinners, saints, Orientals, Westerners, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc. The knowledge of this spirit allows us to obtain a spiritual life or knowledge of God. Fully enlightened people know that God exists deep and central in their souls. God is not outside the world, but God is the world.

How to see God in religious spirituality and science

God is science; he is both light and darkness; God is wisdom; he is love and energy; God is everything. Some of us can distinguish between religion and spirituality, and religion can be a possessive and destructive force that does not allow the expansion of ideas. In contrast, spirituality is a healing force without any love of God or support from God. The rules of skill. We must remember that the true purpose of religion is spirituality; we should try to stay away from names and definitions. For example, God is one of many names for the same divine power or energy.

Through prayer, we talk to God. God responded with miracles. Science now explains the gift of healing through physical and mental relationships. Through prayer, we awaken the spirit in our hearts, and the transformed energy will cause hormonal and other chemical changes, eventually leading to recovery. Therefore, God is not a separate entity but is part of us and has always existed in our minds.

The existence of God

God is in us all the time. It is on our left and right, in front and behind us, above and below us. God takes care of every sin or noble act, every moment, whether we are alone or in a group. However, atheists believe there is no god because it is impossible to prove God’s existence in physics.

The existence of God cannot be proven or refuted. God is not a body that sits somewhere in heaven like us. We launched rockets into space, built space stations, analyzed moon rocks, took close-up photos of planets; we couldn’t even find primitive life forms, let alone search for God in the sky. Science may not see the God who records everything in heaven, but the incredible awareness and wisdom in life, nature, and our earth is a form of God’s scientific existence.

God and our soul

Our soul and God are one. The individual soul (atman) is part of the universal or primitive or supreme or perfect soul, called Parmatma (the name of God in the Eastern Bible). Attempts to unite the soul with God will only perpetuate the illusion of separation between the two. It is not like that, and we are already like that. Knowing God is to become God, the Hindu Upanishads point out that the two are not separate. If God and we are two separate entities, we can see him, embrace him, and surround him in ritual worship! However, in various religions, we have found a unique way of worshiping God. Practitioners use symbols of God, ranging from pictures to holy books and even imaginary images.

Different paths to God

The great prophets Christ, Muhammad, Nanak, Buddha, Krishna, and Mahavira provide ways to realize God or awaken the spirit that exists in our hearts. These routes are different, but the destination or message is similar. More importantly, there is a common element; They all focus on the things that exist in our minds and strive for spiritual realization or awakening, thus forming the basis for change or state of mind.

Characteristics of Spiritual People

Spiritual people focus on true personal empowerment, use multidimensional thinking, and believe that the guidance of love is available. They feel closely related to humanity and live a life where they don’t want to control someone or prove that they are right and someone else is wrong. They know a dimension beyond causation. They feel a sense of responsibility and belonging to the universe. They tend to express love and help others rather than feeling hostile and competitive. Their minds are not influenced by anger, fear, desire, greed, attachment, false self, or jealousy. Its existence is not affected by time and age. They are not afraid of getting old or dying young.

Characteristics of non-spiritual people

On the other hand, non-spiritual people are in a state of fear, experiencing anger, abuse, pain, greed, addiction, selfishness, obsession, corruption, and violence. They hold grudges, seek revenge for perceived wrongdoing, and are only motivated by achievements, performance, and acquisitions. As a result, non-spiritual people feel alienated from others.

What is the need to search for God?

Everything in this life is temporary, and nothing will stay with you forever. Your job, your relatives, your money and assets, nothing comes with you when you depart. In search of material wealth, we have forgotten the real spiritual wealth that will be with us forever, come what may. We have to devote at least some energy to search for the ultimate.

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Written by Pillaicenter

Spiritual Teacher and Spiritual Healing center by Baskaran Pillai

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